Ketchikan June Fishing Report
June 1, 2022 kicked off a great week of halibut fishing charters in Ketchikan, Alaska. This week we saw a huge uptick in not only halibut fishing, but pacific cod as well. With that being said we’re still excited for the upcoming opening of king salmon season set to open in all areas on June 15. Until the unrestricted opening of king salmon season our Ketchikan fishing charters will remain focused on bottom fishing species for halibut, cod, rockfish and lingcod.
Ketchikan Salmon Fishing Charters
While king salmon season opened in the Herring Cove and Mountain Point areas, our real excitement begins when we can run to more remote areas that have higher concentrations of fish and less fishing pressure. Four hour salmon fishing excursions in Ketchikan caught king salmon in the Mountain Point to Herring Cove. These areas are highly productive and a great way for cruise ship guests to get in on the salmon fishing in the, “Salmon capital of the world.” During this period from June 1- June 15, various commercial salmon fishing trollers, recreational anglers and charter fishing boats alike will take part in this restricted opening. It’s a short run from town, less than fifteen minutes and a great fishery where whales, eagles and seals can be seen during your fishing excursion.

Halibut Fishing Charters Ketchikan
With the restricted opening on king salmon we continued to set our sights on the bottom fishing action for the time being and spent the remaining time fishing for king salmon. Logging over 20 halibut caught June 1, 2022 on our five hour halibut fishing excursion makes it an exciting time to get that bucket list halibut. The fishing remained consistent throughout the week finding boat limits of halibut in water depths or approximately 200-300 feet.
Knowing that the halibut fishing is on an upward trajectory brings light to the premise for a great 2022 summer season fishing in Alaska. While the fishing can be somewhat inconsistent during these early season weeks, our fishing clients were happy to celebrate the good fortunes bestowed upon us. Running our fishing boats to the richest grounds in hopes of hitting the jackpot are one of the reasons clients keep coming back to Ketchikan’s Finest Fishing Charters.
Even when the fishing is slow we continue to try new spots and various techniques to get you hooked up. This persistent method of fishing and covering all bases makes for a fun-filled day finding the best opportunities no matter where the fish are hiding. Most days we find them early and often, but some days fishing can be a challenge.
For those challenging days we make it a point to throw the kitchen sink at them with various bait driven scents and spot locations on tidal driven areas. Be sure to get your trip booked with us to see what it looks like to be invested together in your Alaska fishing success.