Salmon Fishing Excursion Ketchikan, AK

Ketchikan Cruise Ship Salmon Fishing Tour 

Salmon fishing charter tactics and equipment vary slightly in different geographic locations. In summary, the most common tactics in Ketchikan, Alaska are trolling, mooching and jigging. Privately guided Ketchikan salmon fishing excursions implement all three  techniques to yield the best results. One can expect any one of these tactics to be employed during their family friendly Ketchikan Alaska salmon fishing trip.

How To Catch The Most Salmon On Your Alaska Cruise

The best method for catching the most salmon on your Alaska cruise is based on the most popular and effective way. Subsequently, trolling gives your family the highest probability to catch double digit salmon in Ketchikan. Secondly, a technique called mooching using a cut plug herring provides a highly engaging and interactive technique with lots of bycatch included. Lastly, jigging salmon on your privately guided Ketchikan fishing adventure with metal jigs, artificial flies and hoochies makes for endless fun on light tackle. Below we will cover a brief description of each technique. Ketchikan cruise ship salmon fishing charters successfully employ them in order to limit out on boat loads of silver salmon and king salmon.  

Ketchikan Alaska Cruise Salmon Fishing Guide – Best Ketchikan Salmon Fishing Charters

Trolling for salmon, remains the most widely used salmon fishing tactic on any private guided Ketchikan salmon fishing charter. Trolling for salmon by commercial fisherman, charter fisherman and recreational fisherman take place throughout the summers in Alaska. For instance, trolling requires the use of down riggers, salmon rods and reels and salmon fishing rigs. To the effect of the down riggers, they are used to take the salmon fishing setups down to multiple depths.

Family Friendly Ketchikan Salmon Fishing Tour – Best Salmon Fishing For Cruise Ship Families And Kids

Trolling for salmon in Ketchikan, Alaska makes for the best way to catch salmon for families and children. Due in part to the action of the lures going through the water. Consequently when a salmon bites they’re generally hooking themselves. For these reasons this method is the go to tactic for Alaska family salmon fishing trips in Ketchikan. 

Trolling For Salmon – The Art Of The Alaskan Salmon 

Trolling for salmon requires specialized electronic or manual downrigger. For example, the clip on the down rigger attaches to the fishing line. Accordingly you descend the down rigger ball and fishing line to depths up to 200 feet. By doing so you’re purposely placing the salmon fishing setup at the same depths the fish are feeding. Once the down riggers are set at various depths we continue to move through the water at two to three knots per hour. This allows the salmon fishing lures to roll and spin at the appropriate speeds to entice a bite. 

A group of people holding salmon, in the salmon capital of the world, ketchikan alaska while they are out on a salmon fishing charter.

Guided Salmon Sportfishing In Ketchikan, Alaska – How To Catch Alaska Salmon  

Now, each angler waits anxiously near each salmon fishing rod while trolling. Next, the rod signifies a bite and everyone jumps into action. Therefore removing the rod and reel from the secured rod holder. Now this allows one to pop the fishing line from the down rigger clip and begin to battle their salmon. Using a smooth and rhythmic technique proves to be the most successful overall. Gentle pressure and steady tension works to get the salmon boat side. Once the moment is right the net comes in to sweep the salmon from the waters and into the fish box. 

Mooching For Salmon – The Art, History, And Tradition Fishing Salmon In Alaska

While the phrase “mooching” doesn’t imply the most elegant technique. Contrary to how it sounds, it sure is one of the more technical manners of catching salmon on our privately guided Ketchikan salmon fishing trips. For instance, mooching for salmon consists of descending a cut plug herring into the schools of salmon below. Immediately when the captain positions the boat over the salmon school, the cut plug herring is let down easily with a light weight. By doing so the herring rolls and spins to the delight of the feeding schools. 

Why Mooch For Salmon – Highly Engaging And Interactive Salmon Fishing Method

The advantages of mooching for Ketchikan salmon fishing charter guests are numerous. First, every angler has a rod in their hand. Which means they are completely engaged in the full process of enticing the bite, setting the hook, and battling their catch. Secondly, this sense of empowerment makes it all the more satisfying catching each fish. Lastly, there aren’t any extra tackles resisting the battle when reeling in your salmon. Contradictory too trolling for salmon, when you have the added resistance and drag of the flasher.  

Salmon Jigging – Metal Jigs and Artificial Flies To Catch Salmon In Ketchikan

Jigging is the third and final technique to be discussed for salmon fishing in Ketchikan. Jigging consists of using light action rods equipped with metal jigs and artificial flies. Ketchikan salmon fishing charters frequently employ these methods situationally. When used properly these lures create an irresistible flutter and flash that inspires an awaiting salmon. In conclusion, the proven ability to work quickly through multiple depth zones, jigging has an irreplaceable tool in the captain’s bag of tricks. 

Best Ketchikan Family Salmon Fishing Trips

For one, jig fishing is a great method while back trolling, drifting, or on the anchor while bottom fishing. The versatility alone speaks volumes about the efficacy of salmon jigging on private Alaskan salmon charters. Regardless of if one chooses metal jigs, flies or grub tails, it’s all relative. Being that the main purpose remains to use the sonar to locate the schools of feeding salmon. Consequently use the line counter to descend said lures to the correlating depths. 

Next one will be too “jig” with an exaggerated vertical jigging motion coupled with a slow drop. This exact motion has many variables, with the key being action on the lures. Salmon typically strike on the descent so one needs to always be awaiting that instant strike. Based on the light tackle jigging equipment the fight never ceases to make one smile! Nothing quite like fighting a big silver salmon or king salmon on a light action rod with minimal pressure. In summary the above mentioned factors make jigging for salmon one of the highlights of our Ketchikan family friendly salmon fishing excursions.  

Salmon Fishing Alaska – Best Rods and Reels 

Alaska Salmon Fishing Rods

Salmon fishing rods for salmon fishing charters in Ketchikan, Alaska are built specifically for trolling, mooching or jigging. Meaning they make for the best equipment to catch salmon in Alaska. With this purpose in mind, salmon fishing rods are longer, and more flexible than halibut fishing rods. For instance, this allows the rods to torque over when attached to the down rigger ball. Furthermore, flexible rods have a soft tip, which allows the salmon’s head shakes to absorb in the rod tip, as opposed to pulling out of their mouth. 

Alaska Salmon Fishing Reels

Salmon fishing reels most commonly used in Alaska are in the open face category. Because of this spinning rods won’t typically be implemented when salmon fishing in Ketchikan, Alaska from a boat. For this reason we’ll discuss the open face reels consisting of the major brands that hold up to the test. Moreover salmon fishing reels with monofilament line in the 15-40lb class prove most effective. Monofilament line is the most common for salmon fishing in Ketchikan because of the ability to stretch. Monofilament’s ability to stretch gives it a direct advantage over braided line when fishing for salmon in Alaska. 

Penn, Shimano and Okuma manufacture some of the best reels on the planet. The Penn Squall is by far one of the more common salmon fishing reels in Alaska. Secondly would be the Shimano TR-2000LD complete with a level wind for the charter fishing special. Lastly, the Okuma Cold Water Linecounter trolling reel.