Alaska Fishing – Ketchikan Fishing Charters And Tours

Record catches hit the docks for anglers visiting Southeast Alaska in August! Ketchikan’s Finest Fishing Charters based out of Ketchikan, Alaska enjoyed the spoils of an outstanding month. Our five-star rated fishing charters full day/multi-day charters for fly-in visitors. In addition to offering  half day Ketchikan fishing tours for halibut and salmon. Half day combination trips are specifically designed with our cruise ship visitors in mind. We’re excited to recap an absolutely banner summer fishing in Ketchikan, Alaska. August 2023 made for another incredible month for anglers visiting Ketchikan. 

Salmon Fishing Ketchikan, Alaska – Silver Salmon Blitz And Halibut Fishing

A typical Ketchikan, Alaska fishing day delivers overcast skies with rain to boot. Contrary to the general weather, the month of August served up bluebird skies with light winds and calm seas. The stars align to lay the perfect foundation for an all out blitz on this wide open fishery. Pursuing insurmountable silver salmon hoards we traveled far and wide to reach the pinnacle of salmon fishing in Alaska. Furthermore the halibut fishing stood second by such the slimmest of margins. In turn, Ketchikan charter fishing clients enjoyed maxed out limits on not only silver salmon, but halibut, rockfish and lingcod as well. Can it get any better? 

Salmon Fishing Ketchikan – Silver Salmon Daily Limits and Salmon Harvest Yield

Silver salmon aka “coho salmon” take the cake when it comes to prized species. Silver salmon are revered for the quality of meat, veracious fighting ability and frenzied feeding patterns. The daily limit in Ketchikan. Alaska has 6 silver salmon per person. As a result, this means we routinely target a boat limit of silver salmon as a precursor to halibut fishing. 

Wild Pacific Salmon Harvest Yield – Processing Your Alaska Catch 

In effect, by accomplishing the goal of up to 36 pristine silver salmon per boat, checks multiple boxes. Great action with the ferocity of an action packed salmon bite and huge yields on the day’s catch. Because salmon yield 50% of their body weight, catching a boat limit is the quickest way to fill a freezer of fresh Alaskan fish. For these reasons, targeting silver salmon with trolling gear and mooching maintains a staple for August. Not to mention when you get into a school of silvers, you’ll have all four rods going off constantly with organized chaos taking place. What a rush of fun it is for those involved. 

A group of people holding salmon, in the salmon capital of the world, ketchikan alaska while they are out on a salmon fishing charter.
Fishing charters for Salmon in Ketchikan, Alaska

King Salmon Fishing Alaska – 2023 King Salmon Run And Best Time To Fish For King Salmon Alaska

King salmon fishing in Ketchikan, Alaska during August of 2023 blew the minds of fishing guests and captains alike. Continuously referred to as the best king salmon fishing summer in the last ten years. Being able to consistently limit out on king salmon during the best months of June and early July. Well, this year was absolutely an exception, consistently catching multiple large keeper king salmon on demand became a daily reoccurrence. It’s not every year or month this happens, but boy did everyone enjoy this treat!

KIng Salmon  – A Tidal Driven Salmon Species, King Salmon Tactics

Intimately knowing the tides played the largest role in reeling in big king salmon one after another. When the food is concentrated by the tidal movements the king salmon take aim and eat herring, squid, candle fish and pollock. Implementing salmon trolling tactics during these peak feeding times made for quick and productive fishing. Commonly catching four large keeper king salmon ranging from 12-25 pounds in an hour or less.

King Salmon Size Limits, Possession Regulations And Common Sizes

King Salmon retention in Southeast Alaska requires two criteria that must be met. Firstly one must be in possession of a king salmon stamp in addition to their fishing license. Secondly king salmon must be larger than 28” in overall length to be retained. Now you can understand the rejoicing celebrations of August highs. The fun just never seemed to stop. With that being said by the last week of August we began to catch slightly smaller king salmon, ranging from 8-15 pounds. 

Ketchikan experienced the best king salmon fishing summer in the last ten years!

Halibut Fishing Ketchikan

Record breaking salmon runs didn’t deter each Alaska fishing angler from the iconic halibut. As one would say,” Just for the halibut.” Known as a staple to the Alaska fishery, people travel far and long to catch this namesake fish. Deep dwelling halibut are reputable for their large size, strong fighting ability and exquisite meat quality. Making this species a first or second priority for those fishing in Alaska. 

Where To Catch Halibut In Alaska – Tactics And Equipment For Halibut Fishing Ketchikan

During the summer months halibut are caught in “shallow water” anywhere from 100-500 feet deep. While this can be considered deep by most people’s standards. But one must consider that halibut travel to deeper waters in the fall/winter months, up to 1,200 feet deep. For this reason we typically target halibut with conventional fishing tackle in the summer months, with June, July and August being the peak season. 

Alaska Halibut Possession Limits, Size Requirements, And August 2023 Ketchikan Halibut Fishing Report

As mentioned previously the halibut fishing didn’t disappoint in August. Halibut fishing in Ketchikan and the surrounding waters produced boat limits daily. With the average day being so productive that it gave the flexibility to catch and release fish. In turn, catching so many halibut one could pick the most ideal sized halibut. With the maximum size halibut being 40 inches in order to retain in Southeast Alaska.  

Benefitting from the phenomenal halibut fishing made possible for Ketchikan fishing charters to retain the maximum size legally required. Fishing for halibut isn’t always so good that you’re picking through the mediums to get the largest. With that being said, August turned out to be a special month for all species, including halibut. 

Alaska Big Halibut Catches – Barn Door Halibut

Giant halibut are referred to as “barn doors”. In essence because of their resemblance to a barn door. Ambitious clients in search of giant halibut face the test that the big ones are fewer and farther between then the medium size halibut ranging from 15-40 pounds. But for those with that patience to wait it out and soak a big bait, the rewards are memorable!

Big Halibut Alaska – Bait, Tactics And Equipment

Whole salmon and entire pacific cod carcasses are one way to do the trick when searching for monster halibut. Send large baits to the bottom and hang on tight! Halibut fishing rigs with 12/0-16/0 circle hooks and a 200 pound leader did the trick. The ability of the circle hook to turn in the corner of the halibut’s mouth ensures a safely caught and released fish. Furthermore, the probability of landing a huge halibut goes up dramatically when using circle hooks. For these reasons big halibut are a catch and release fishery, with a healthy survival rate. 

Experience the adventure of fishing in Ketchikan, Alaska!
Halibut fishing in Ketchikan, Alaska

Rockfish And LingCod Jigging – Tactics, Catches, And Equipment

Without a doubt one of the most enjoyable fishing tactics we implement becomes a real crowd pleaser. Standing alone for most fishing guests is the light tackle jigging for rockfish and lingcod. We use a light tackle standup jigging rod with a bait caster style reel. Custom reels built with a line counter allows one to track the jig and make sure the presentation fall in the strike zone. It also acts as a benchmark on how much line you have left to retrieve before seeing your catch. This tool becomes incredibly resourceful for experienced anglers and novice alike. 

How To Catch Rockfish And Lingcod – Rockfish Species, Rockfish Daily Limits, Eating Quality

Targeting schools of pelagic rockfish and lingcod with the sonar proves to be most effective. Next we verbalize where the schools are located so all of our anglers get down to the strike zone. Commonly once everyone drops they all hook up instantly at once! With a five fish pelagic rockfish limit, we often attain a boat limit in a matter of minutes.

Furthermore I would acknowledge that  black rockfish, yellowtails and widow rockfish on light tackle makes it so enjoyable. It’s like every kids dream growing up, drop down, instant bite and a fun fight to the boat. Not to mention the pelagic category of rockfish are some of my favorite table fare in all of the Alaska waters.  


Lingcod Fishing In Alaska – August Report, Tactics, Daily Possession Limits

With all the rave about rockfish jigging and its beneficial high user engagement. The intense interactiveness may make one overlook the mighty prehistoric looking LingCod. It’s worth mentioning that lingcod are caught simultaneously while jigging the above-mentioned pelagic rockfish. This year alone for the month of August the pelagic rockfish schools peaked. In turn, the lingcod took full advantage and ambushed any lure that slipped past an awaiting rockfish.

In the region that encompasses Ketchikan, Alaska the annual possession limit for Lingcod is one per year for a nonresident. In addition, the regulations update multiple times over the summer. Meaning each angler could possess one lingcod on any given day but that would satisfy their annual catch limit. Furthermore the regulations dictate that any Lingcod retention must meet the requirements of size with a range from 30-35 inches. 

Lingcod fishing in Ketchikan, Alaska
Alaska rockfish is excellent whether sautéed, roasted, broiled or grilled, and perfect paired with rubs, marinades or sauces.

Pink Salmon – August Fishing Report, Possession Limits, Cruise Ship Fishing Shore Excursions

Pink salmon, aka “humpies” are one of the main staple fish in Southeast, Alaska. For starters, they come back to their home streams to spawn in the highest numbers of any salmon. I’m talking about millions of salmon returning. So many salmon in the stream that it can distort the stream to look black from the sheer density of fish. On that note 2023 didn’t disappoint! 

Ketchikan salmon fishing charters returned daily from four hour salmon fishing tours with early limits. Boat limits of pink salmon along with silver salmon and king salmon mixed in as well. The possession limit for pink salmon is 6 per person and this all too often became a routine appearance. Pink salmon fishing is a true gift especially for cruise ship visitors embarking on a Ketchikan fishing tour. I mean where else in the world can you go fishing and catch 30-40 fish in less than two hours. In addition to catching boat loads of salmon, the serenity of calm scenic waters adds to the allure. 

Fresh Alaska Catch – Processed And Shipped To Your Doorstep

Lastly our clients have the opportunity to have their catch professionally processed. Options include to have your fresh salmon smoked, or vacuum sealed in whole or 1 lb filets. Lastly, we have your catch ship in an insulated box and overnighted to your doorstep. It truly is a world class fishery. Combining this with professional processing services there’s no reason not to indulge happily in the spoils of Alaska summers. 

Commercial Salmon Fishing Alaska 2023

The largest run of pink salmon flooded into the waters with commercial fishing boats lying in wait. The entire commercial Seine netting fleet made Ketchikan and the surrounding waters home for weeks at a time. With the high number of pink salmon being caught the prices were unfortunately driven down. This in turn caused the commercial fleet to receive the same amount of revenue for twice as many fish.  It’s truly unfortunate when big runs like 2023 happen and the circumstances of the market aren’t agreeable for all to benefit.  Here’s a link to the 2022 Alaska commercial harvest summary for reference. 

Alaska offers some of the most spectacular fishing in the world!
Contact us today to plan your Ketchikan fishing adventure!