Charter Halibut Fishing Regulations 2024 Ketchikan, Alaska

Charter fishing for halibut in Ketchikan, Alaska takes place from May through September. The current halibut fishing regulations for the 2024 Ketchikan fishing season are as follows. The daily closures on the retention of halibut will be ALL FRIDAYS from July 19 through September 13, 2024.  However, there is still the availability for catch and release halibut fishing. 

Guided Sportfishing Regulations Ketchikan 2024

Area 2C Guided Sportfishing Charter Regulations – Includes Ketchikan, Alaska

Daily bag limit, February 1 to July 14 2024: 1 halibut per person 40” or less OR 80” or longer

Daily bag limit, July 15 to December 31, 2024: 1 halibut per person 36” or less or 80” or longer

Day Closures: All Fridays closed to HALIBUT RETENTION beginning July 19 through September 13, 2024

Halibut Fishing In Ketchikan 2024

The halibut fishing in Ketchikan will continue to pick up steam as the summer nears! Furthermore, the absolute best months for halibut fishing in Ketchikan run from June through September. The limit of halibut will continue to be one halibut per person up to 40” until July 15. From the span of July 15 until December 31, 2024 that size limit is reduced to 36”. Nevertheless, halibut in this size range are top quality eating size for this species. 

What Do We Fish For On Fridays Halibut Closure

All Fridays from July 19, 2024 through September 13, 2024 will be closed for halibut retention. This means any halibut caught on Fridays in this date range will be released after a photo. Knowing this, we have alternate options for these days to maximize your fishing opportunities. First and foremost, we will be fishing for halibut on these said dates.

Guy holding a lingcod during a Ketchikan Fishing Charter.

Lingcod The Prized Alaskan Trophy Fish

If you prefer, one option is to catch and release halibut for the thrill of catching this bucket list species. Secondly, Ketchikan sportfishing excursions can substitute the halibut fishing option for lingcod. To clarify, lingcod are one of the most  prized Alaskan fish species. Thirdly, there’s an option to go all in on salmon fishing and attempt to limit all species. These options will be provided with real time updates on the weather, fish runs and trip durations in order to capitalize on each Ketchikan fishing charter opportunity.  

Lingcod, Pacific Cod, Rockfish And Salmon Fishing Southeast Alaska

Regarding the hot topic items of halibut closures on Fridays, we are here to highlight the other opportunities that surmise a fantastic day fishing in Southeast Alaska. For one, lingcod fishing and rock fishing jigging make for a phenomenal way to counterbalance the limitations on halibut retention for the Friday closures. Rockfish and lingcod fishing take place in a high paced and engaged form of vertical jigging. In conclusion, anglers day in and day out rave about this fishery for the above named highlights of the pace and abundance of fish caught. 

Typically, anglers rockfish and lingcod jigging can be catching a fish in under a minute on each drop of their line. Furthermore, this pace of fishing keeps one smiling with nonstop action and surprise catches each drop of the lure. In conclusion, lingcod fishing and rockfish jigging will be the most employed method to counterbalance the halibut closures on Fridays in the 2C region that range from July 19, to September 13, 2024. 

Girl holding a king salmon out on a Ketchikan Salmon Fishing Charter.

Salmon Fishing Blitz In Alaska July Through August 2024 

Salmon fishing in Alaska summers equates to abundance on all levels. The sheer volume of salmon flooding into home streams to spawn is enough to leave one in awe. For these reasons, charter fishing outfitters spanning the coast continually celebrate this time of year. June is the height of the king salmon run. In addition, the kings continue into the first few weeks of July.

But, from July through August Alaska waters teem with a frenzy. Any direction you look you can spot salmon leaping from local waters. Doing so in order to loosen their egg sacks to spawn. Beginning in July the full onslaught on pink salmon, silver salmon, chum salmon and sockeye salmon flourish. It’s a worldwide spectacle for anyone with an interest in wonders of the world.